February 10, 2021
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
TABCO and ESPBC are working to help set up the safest way to return to the schools and worksites for our members. Following the mitigation strategies will be paramount to ensuring the health and safety for staff and students. The new Memorandum of Understating will call for the formation of building level safety teams. These safety teams will include all stakeholders at the worksite. Their responsibility will be to conduct weekly inspections of the worksite using the Mitigation Checklist. These inspections will help ensure a safe working environment for all. This training will prepare the safety team to make informed decisions.
Please select ONE of the meetings listed below.
Seating is limited. If your first choice is full, please select a different meeting time.
Wednesday, February 10 at 4:30pm
Thursday, February 11 at 3:30pm
Tuesday, February 16 at 3:30pm
Wednesday, February 17 at 4:30pm
Thursday, February 18 at 4:30pm
Registration is required to attend this event and is open until midnight the day before the workshop.
In order to register for this event, you must provide the following information:
You must be a current member of TABCO or ESPBC
Your name
Your worksite name
Are you a Building Representative or a member of the Education Council (formerly the Faculty Council)?
You cannot edit your response so please make sure all of your information is correct before clicking submit.
Please direct questions to Stacie Strickland at [email protected] .
If you find that you cannot attend this event and need to cancel your reservation, please email Stacie Strickland at [email protected] so that your space may be given to someone else.
The link to attend this virtual workshop will be emailed to you in the reminder email the day before the event.