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We Are The Voice Of Education Professionals Working In Baltimore County Public Schools

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Teaching can be an isolating experience, that’s why TABCO, the Teachers Association of Baltimore County, is:

  • The voice of the teachers in Baltimore County, representing and speaking for teacher issues to administrators, elected officials, the Board of Education and BCPS officials, the media and the public.
  • The voice at the TABCO Office when member questions or concerns arise.
  • The voice articulating teacher positions on curriculum, education trends and policies.
  • The voice identifying needs in equipment and materials and other teaching tools.
  • The voice negotiating for better salaries and working conditions.
  • The voice advocating for teachers when contract infractions occur.

Why Pay Dues?

Current biweekly dues for
full-time employees in the following salary tiers:

Above $50,331 $38.00
$25,166 to $50,331 $30.92
Below $25,166 $25.61

2024-25 TABCO Dues

Dues are necessary – The foundation of the Association is its members and their collective will to underwrite the cost of the Association’s programs.

Dues are valuable – The Association must be competitive in litigation, bargaining, public relations, research, educational leadership and influence on educational policies.

Dues are comparable – TABCO/MSEA/NEA dues compare favorably to the dues that other professionals pay to their unions or associations. In fact, many other groups who earn less than we do pay considerably higher dues.

Why is professional liability coverage so important to me as an educator?

You insure your car, your health, your house and other personal assets acquired through years of investments and hard work. A professional insurance policy acts as a safeguard to protect your assets if you are sued as a result of an event arising out of your educational duties. The NEA policy can provide a measure of protection for your career through its unique job protection benefits. NEA’s Professional Liability Insurance has protected many of our members in liability suits and/or job actions over the years. In each of these instances, the member needed to access the NEA policy protections because the school district policy did not cover them! Other professionals, such as medical doctors, would not dream of practicing without liability (or malpractice) insurance. In today’s litigious society, a teacher should not step into a classroom without a liability policy covering them, personally. We want to reach every school, every teacher, and every support professional in Baltimore County to talk about the work we’re doing on behalf of all educators. We want every educator in the county to have a voice in the future of Baltimore County Public Schools. Isn’t it time you joined? You insure your car, your health, your house and other personal assets acquired through years of investments and hard work. A professional insurance policy acts as a safeguard to protect your assets if you are sued as a result of an event arising out of your educational duties. The NEA policy can provide a measure of protection for your career through its unique job protection benefits. For more information on Employment Liability Program click here. Isn’t it time you joined us?

Become part of a powerful team

Team TABCO negotiates your contract with the school district. We continually work on your behalf to improve your salary and working conditions. A stronger Team TABCO also means more clout in school buildings, lobbying the Governor and state legislature, and electing pro-public education candidates to all levels of office. It means being treated with respect and professionalism.

Download our Member Benefits Brochure here.

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We Are The Voice Of Education Professionals Working In Baltimore County Public Schools. Join Now!